Thursday, July 3, 2008

Do birth control pills affect acne and best natural acne treatments

The way I've always tackled acne problems is with natural home-made remedies, I've always sworn by natural cures. There are many reasons for this, but I think the main reason is; I don't have any allergies to any remedies, so I know for sure that the remedies won't cause any embarrassing side effects.
There are a number of professional approaches that perform acne scar removal to help you get rid of the pitted look and restore your skin to full radiance. The treatment may depend on the type and severity of the scar and the patient's response.
There are various types methods used to try and repair acne scars. Some are more successful than others,and some are just a complete waste of money. Discovering how to get rid of acne scars is for some people a quest of trial and error.
tags: non hormonal acne, successful treatment for severe adult acne, bananas cause acne

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